I graduated from UMass Global. Can I still access library resources as an alum?


UMass Global does not provide alumni access to subscription-based library databases due to vendor restrictions. However, websites such as Google Scholar provide PDF or website links to scholarly articles. If the article is not available legally, these sites will provide a link to the publisher’s website where you can purchase the article if you’re able to. If you live in the United States, you may also be able to obtain the article through interlibrary loan services offered by a public library near you. 

While UMass Global graduates are not permitted to use the library's databases, you can still do the following:

  • Browse our list of resources available through the open web that provide free access to scholarly research. Look for a little orange open lock or change the All Database Types dropdown menu to Open Access.
  • Sign up for a JSTOR account to access up to 100 free articles per month.
  • Access dissertations published by UMass Global doctoral students through Digital Commons
  • Search WorldCat to see if a nearby library provides access to the materials you're looking for. Review the WorldCat information guide for further details about locating resources in other libraries. 
  • View our research and information guides which may be useful if you are researching a topic. Many of these guides provide links to subject resources available outside of UMass Global. 
  • Last Updated May 20, 2024
  • Views 28
  • Answered By Ask A Librarian

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